To lie or keep in hiding, as for some evil reason.  To move or go in a mean, stealthy manner.
ISSN: 1527-814X Tuesday May 30, 2000

WebSkulker Newsletter
Mission Unskulkable*

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* Headline submitted by Jr. Skulker Lucky 225
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Jr. skulkers need to protect themselves

These two articles discuss a serious security problem with Windows that could easily be exploited by a virus author.  When you first install a Windows 98 or NT system (and probably 95, WebSkulker doesn't remember) a default is set to hide the extensions of files.  If you bring up My Computer or Windows Explorer and look at lists of files, you will see only the filename and not the extension, aka filetype.  Most sophisticated users change this so that extensions will be shown:  go into My Computer, click the View menu, then Folder Options, press the View tab, then turn off the check mark "Hide file extensions for known file types".  In Windows 2000 this same check box is under the Tools menu instead of the View menu.

But there is a problem: some file extensions will still be hidden because there is a special flag in the registry that can be set for each extension saying that this one should always be hidden, even if extensions in general are shown.  Several of the extensions that are always hidden can contain dangerous links to system commands, such as Erase and Format.  If someone sends you such a file by email, your email program will probably show the extension even if Windows doesn't.  But email programs might only display a certain number of characters in the attachment name, so the sender could hide the extension by putting some spaces in the name.  Once you save the file to your hard disk, you will no longer see the extension and might think the file is something else that is safe to open.

Please read these two articles to learn the details of the problem and how to change your system to show the extensions for these types of files.

More skulking through telephone history

These sites teach the history of telecommunications and telephone switching.  The first is by an Australian company so it is a little oriented towards that country, but since the early history of telephones and switching is all American, Bell, Strowger, etc. are all well represented.  WebSkulker especially likes the section called "Kit Three, The Story of Telephone Exchanges".  For each kit, click the blue buttons at the left to go from one article to the next.

The second site is a timeline of the development of telecommunications, radio, television, and the regulation of the telecommunications industry by William von Alven, a Manager at the FCC.

Secret communications with client skulkers

Jr. Skulker Lance Brannman told us about this site with a 13 minute NPR program in Real Audio about the mysterious "Numbers Stations" on shortwave radio.  "Eventually, if listeners dig around long enough, they'll tune across voices reciting endless strings of numbers. These broadcasts have been heard for at least 40 years. The signals are powerful, but they contain no information about location of the transmitter or the intended audience. Most listeners linger for a short time, then tune away, utterly baffled."

The site also has links to three web sites with more information about Numbers Stations.  WebSkulker is amazed that after all these years everything is still speculation, and nothing about these stations has ever been made public.

Skulking around the trailer park

Jr. Skulker Mike W. promised that this site "WILL make you and your cat laugh! I promise!"  He was right.

This made WebSkulker laugh

Submitted by Jr. Skulker Sidney Bernay

The Importance of Correct Punctuation 

Dear John:

I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy -- will you let me be yours?



Dear John:

I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?



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