To lie or keep in hiding, as for some evil reason.  To move or go in a mean, stealthy manner.
ISSN: 1527-814X Tuesday February 2, 2000

WebSkulker Newsletter
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Avoid tickets on your skulking trips

"Traffic is moving safely and expeditiously, but not legally according to the posted speed limit. As fast as the pen can be applied to paper, driver after driver is issued a speeding ticket that results in exorbitant fines, points on their driver's licenses and insurance surcharges.  Fortunately, you know about the speed traps on your regularly traveled routes, but what about those times you are on unfamiliar streets and highways? If only there was a way you could share your knowledge of speed traps, in exchange for the speed trap knowledge of others.  Now you can!  Welcome to the Speed Trap Exchange."

Skulking the manufacturer of add-on cards

Jr. Skulker Matt told us about this site a long time ago.  You may have noticed that most add-on cards for personal computers and a lot of other electronic devices have an FCC ID number that you can find printed on the card or on a label.  The first link above lets you look up this number in the FCC's database to find out who the manufacturer is, and perhaps some additional information about the card.  This can be useful if you need a device driver for the card, but don't know the true manufacturer.

The second link gives instructions on how to use the database.

How many buttons could a WebSkulker click

If you have a recent Microsoft-brand mouse and installed the IntelliPoint software that comes with it, you may have noticed the Odometer feature that measures how many miles and feet you moved your mouse pointer.  The first link above describes a freeware program that measures how many times you clicked a mouse button this session, day, week, month, and year.  (Download from the second link.)  The program was commissioned by Jr. Skulker Michael Dean in the hope that you will be shocked by the high count and will stop skulking so much.  Fat chance!

Should WebSkulker do this if Ms. Cat falls?

If you go to Ms. Cat's page,, you will see a picture of Ms. Cat sitting on top of WebSkulker's old Taxan 20" monitor.   This monitor is very deep and overhangs the back of the desk.  She often falls asleep on top of it and sometimes starts to fall off, but catches herself.  WebSkulker's previous cat was much more of a klutz.  He would also sleep on the monitor and would start to fall off the back, then he would continue to fall and end up on the floor, as often as several times an hour.  Each time he would have an embarrassed and puzzled look on his face, jump back up on the table and on the monitor, and fall asleep to start the cycle again.

Jr. Skulker Mike Durkin sent us the above link to a story about what happened when an eighth-grade classroom's pet tarantula got out of its cage and fell four feet onto the floor.

This made WebSkulker laugh

Submitted by Jr. Skulker Chris Custer

Animals in the City

A primary school teacher in the Bronx decided to see if city kids knew what sounds farm animals make. She asked the kids to put their hands up if they knew the correct sounds. 

"Who knows what sound a cow makes?" she asked.
Mary put her hand up and said, "Mooooo!" 

"Very good," replied the teacher. "What sound do sheep make?"
"Baaaa," answered Billy. 

She continued this for a while. Then she asked, "What sound does a pig make?" 

All the hands in the class went up. She was surprised at the response. She chose Little Tyrone at the back of the class. He stood up, took a deep breath, and screamed, "Up against the wall, mutha-fucka!" 


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