skulk: To lie or keep in hiding, as for some evil reason. To move or go in a mean, stealthy manner. |
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This site has digitized versions of many of the Alexander Graham Bell papers stored at the Library of Congress. WebSkulker mentioned this in the 10/14/99 issue and it is worth mentioning again because the site has recently been expanded with more documents. ------- WebSkulker often gets ideas for web sites that depend on unusual domain names. Since name registrations are so cheap nowadays, he often goes so far as to register the names and then gets bored with them and doesn't actually build the web sites. But he does enjoy the hobby of figuring out these clever names and registering them. WebSkulker often comes up with these names while in restaurants or other places without access to an Internet connection to do the registration. But he has his trusty cell phone with a web-browser for accessing WAP-enabled web sites. At last there is a discount registry with a WAP interface so he can register domain names right there in the restaurant without taking the incredible risk that someone else will register it by the time he gets home! DirectNic is easy to use from a cell phone's browser because you create an account at their regular web site first so it knows all the information about you including your credit card number. From the cell phone, all you need to do is enter the domain name, log in with your userid and password, and place the order. Note that the DirectNic web site doesn't mention WAP yet, but they sent out a press release about it and it seems to work. From your WAP phone, go to the regular and a script will detect that you are on a phone and redirect you to the WAP version. DirectNic looks good for regular registrations as well. They charge $15 per year, slightly more than and other discount ones, but they include additional services such as email forwarding and redirection to a web site you already own. ------- Our 6/19/00 issue mentioned a new free service from called the "Pagoo Internet Phone Number". WebSkulker expected Pagoo to start charging for this at some point, but they sent out email saying they were going to drop the service as of tomorrow, 10/6/00. ------- Jr. skulkers with Palm Pilots, or better yet who have friends with Palm Pilots, should go to the first link above for instructions on how to crack the password used in a Palm to keep private information private. The second and third links let you download the programs mentioned in the article. ------- 1-800-44-ANITA 1-888-38-AUDIO 1-800-MAPQUEST (627-7837) These are three more systems where you register and set up preferences on the web site, then use the service by dialing the toll-free number and get information via speech input and output. The first link,, is "A place to discover who gave what to which Federal candidates when" and they mean it. For example, the second link is their search form by zip code. Enter a zip code and an election year to see the real names of the people in that zip code who donated to candidates and details of the donations. Enter a person's name at the third link (last-name, a comma, one space, then first-name) to see all donations by that person. (Try "Gates, William") There are many other search forms and summary tables in a yellow box at the left of the home page titled "FECInfo Database Queries." All of this information comes from filings with the Federal Election Commission. The fourth link appears to be run by the FEC itself and lets you search for similar information.
StealthSignal charges $39 per year (with quantity discounts for corporations) for software and a monitoring service to help recover your notebook computer if it is lost or stolen. WebSkulker doesn't expect many of you to purchase this service, but all jr. skulkers should be interested in how it works: "A small undetectable program (Stealth Signal Agent) is installed in your computer. This program silently tries to send a signal
[over an Internet connection if it finds the notebook connected] to our Monitoring Network
at random times without affecting your computer's normal operations. When our Monitoring Network receives a signal from the Stealth Signal agent, the unit identification and the time are stored in our activity database. The activity records can be accessed online by login in to the Control Center at our web site , this information can only be browsed with a valid Stealth Signal account and password.
One of the authors of this page is a jr. skulker who wrote to us: "Don't want to pat myself on the back too hard but I think it is a pretty funny site .. especially if you like computer jokes (I tried to keep the FUNNIEST ONES and include them on my site) and there is a TAD BIT of man bashing there. OK .. it is MOSTLY MAN BASHING .. some woman bashing .. and MUCH MORE. See for your self."
Winners of the Foil the Filters Contest
Thanks to all who submitted entries in the Foil the Filters Contest, including the many anonymous ones. We hope this contest will help illustrate how unreliable censorware is and provide further examples for those interested in exposing it. And of these examples, these are our favorites....
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