skulk: To lie or keep in hiding, as for some evil reason. To move or go in a mean, stealthy manner. |
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Our 9/14/99 issue mentioned a great site one of our jr. skulkers put together that helps you find the name and address of a person or business if all you know is their telephone number, and several other telephone-related searches. He has moved this to the above URL. He also asked us to mention two travel-related pages that he is starting: ------------ WebSkulker has mentioned several sites with free wallpaper pictures for you to download, and Jr. Skulker Mike Watson asked us to tell you about his wallpaper page. WebSkulker particularly likes his full-screen one called "Johnny Jump-ups" and is using it on one machine. ------------ Jr. Skulker Erik204 noticed our link to in our 6/8/00 issue. He suggested looking at a part of the site we didn't notice, the Surrealistic Compliment Generator which gives you a different weird machine-generated compliment each time you go to it or press CTRL-R to reload it: Speaking of compliments, this has always been one of WebSkulker's favorite jokes: A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. After sitting for a few minutes, he hears a voice say, "Nice tie." He looks around but doesn't see anybody near him and so he forgets about it. A few minutes later he hears, "Nice haircut." He can't stand it any more, so he calls the bartender over and tells him he has been hearing this voice, but can't figure out who is speaking.
Jr. Skulker Will Cardwell runs this amazingly detailed site about the history of telephones in his city, Atlanta. All jr. skulkers interested in phones should look at this, whether you care about Atlanta or not, because much of the information relates to the technology used all over the country. There are lots of historic pictures and technical information. The U.S. Social Security Administration publishes a lot of boring statistics, but these two pages might be interesting to the average jr. skulker. They show the popularity of male and female first names for the last 120 years based on samples of applications for Social Security Numbers. The first link has links to tables of names for various time periods. Go to the second link and scroll down for tables that summarize the 20th century by giving the top 3 male and female names per year, including the frequency of that name in terms of number per 1000 people.
Jr. Skulker Lena Diethelm sent us this link to a Flash animation showing Skeeter interviewing the new, cute, lovable, Bill Gates. As part of the interview, cute little Billie shows the latest Microsoft commercial. Did you know the whole company is cute and fluffy, like a puppy?
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