skulk: To lie or keep in hiding, as for some evil reason. To move or go in a mean, stealthy manner. |
Tuesday January 4, 2000 WebSkulker
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To use the links in this newsletter, you must be connected to the Internet. PC Eudora users: to see this and other html mail properly you must check the box "Use Microsoft's Viewer" in the "Viewing Mail" options. This site is run by a company that develops and sells end-to-end telephone call encryption devices. The point is to scare you into wanting their products by showing you the legal status of wiretapping all around the world. You will get $20 totally free simply for signing up with this service. It is an online bank that offers interest-earning checking accounts with no service charges and mutual fund services. Instead of paying for an expensive marketing program, they get new banking customers by depositing $20 in all new accounts that you are free to withdraw immediately, and by paying a $10 referral credit to the account of the person who referred you. Please use the second link to create your account and WebSkulker will get the credit, or if you fill out the form from the main page, be sure to put in "" as the referrer. After you sign up, the bank will mail you a package with a starting supply of checks and a VISA card that is also an ATM card. They don't have any ATM's of their own, so you use the card at any ATM with a Plus logo. The bank that owns the ATM will probably charge you a fee, and will refund these up to $6 per month. Jr. Skulker Brad Waite suggested this site, and in appreciation WebSkulker will pay him half of any referral fees. The author of this site is a jr. skulker who submitted it to us. The first link is to the main site which offers brief multimedia tutorials on hundreds of different software and Internet topics, and also online technical help. The second link has four funny videos showing a user's frustration with technical support.
William Hertes writes funny letters to politicians, companies, and organizations to see how they respond. The results are often quite amusing.
For you scholars, The Washington Post recently had a contest for readers in which they were asked to supply possible alternate meanings for various words. The following were some of the winning entries... Esplanade - v., to attempt an explanation while drunk.
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